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Step 1 is almost complete, I now just need to add some wire wool (as this is denser than weaving in wire) to cover up some more of the chicken wire; I want it to look as full as possible.
Although I'm currently using a female mannequin, it is ultimately a male adornment. I have attached other people's off cuts and tests which I have found in the workshops to add to the irregularity of it all!
I think its going really well athough I am sporting many cuts and grazes as it is a little too sharp at the moment!
I think I may have to create a plastic cross to go inside, as a) it is very abrasive, and b) the shape is becoming a bit lost as I attach more and more and it gets heavier and heavier! As you can see there is some ribbon holding it on at the mo...
Step 2 to come next week- the shrink wrapping! I need to do some tests to see how robust my plastic is, its just the packaging from my portfolio so I think I might need to get something else...
changing this title to nowhere near complete.