Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Stuff made from other stuff!

I was told, as I'm making jewellery, not to look at other jewellers, but I couldn't resist it! I love things that are made from other things, i.e. recycled.

il_430xN.9357588.jpgFound these! They're by 'madefromtheheart', they're really twee and I think they're cool... can't find a better word!

Made from piano keys! Brilliant. Made by Jay Jackson.

recycled video tape, Kai Yeung Yau, eco-fashion, sustainable fashion, green fashion, sustainable style, upcycled clothing, recycled clothing, upcycled fashion, recycled fashion Designed by Kai Yeung Yau, a senior at the London College of Fashion. Its mad from recycled video tape, woven onto the fabric!
The webpage needs to be visited or it will die...
...poor webpage.
There's some really great things on it but the text is all a bit dull... like heat magazine but about the likes of Gaga not Jordan, if that means anything to anyone.

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